Free Challenge

Stop Dreaming, Start Doing Challenge

The 3-day challenge for kickstarting your creative project.

If you're ready to stop dreaming and start doing, this challenge is for you!

October 31, 2023
10:00am New Zealand Time

Are you dreaming of...

  • turning your creative passion into a badass business or side-hustle?
  • starting a new project or launching a new part of your business?
  • having a community of fans who love your work and support your art?
  • owning a recognisable brand that people love and rave about?
  • one day being where your creative idols are?

But feeling...

  • Unsure about how to start taking action to make your dreams happen?
  • Like your ideas keep getting pushed aside while you work on the day-to-day things you need to do to get by
  • Not confident in being visible online, or how to do that?
  • Like you’re making your brand up as you go along, or that you don’t even have one?
  • Doubtful that you could get to where your idols are, even if you do take action?

Hollie Arnett

Over six years ago I had a dream to turn my creative passion into a badass business.

I knew that I was destined to create, and I sat at my full-time startup job dreaming up ideas, frantically noting down business plans, and sneakily making products for the day that I would one-day take the leap.

But even when I decided that my dreams were possible, I had no idea how to get there, I was freaking terrified about having to show up along the way, or failing when I did, and I felt like I was trying to figure it all out on my own.

Now I run my own business full-time and those daydreams have become my reality. Freaking unreal.

The difference between where I was then and where I’m at now, is that however imperfect it was, I took action.

Make your creative dream a reality today

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